Madame Heng Ozzy Acne Clear up Soap & Ozzy acne clear up solution Set


Item Overview

Item Type : Acne clear set

Set detail:

- Ozzy ACNE Clear up Soap 50 g.

Quantity : 2 pcs

Weight : 2 x 50 g = 100 g.

- Ozzy acne clear up solution 14 ml.

Quantity : 1 pcs

Weight : 1 x 14 ml. = 14 ml.


Pack size: 19 (L) x 4 (W) x 10 (H) cm.


Ingredients :

- Ozzy ACNE Clear up Soap 50 g. = Soap Base, Ozzy oil, Green Tea, Nano Vitamin C & E, Glycolic acid, Willow Bark Extract

- Ozzy acne clear up solution 14 ml. = Ozzy Solutio, Nano Vitamin C & E

Benefits :

- Ozzy ACNE Clear up Soap 50 g. = Reduce scarring from acne, and help cleans your pores, non-pore clogging. Assist in skin texture is restored to healthy, smooth and soft.

- Ozzy acne clear up solution 14 ml. = Anti-infection properties can help relief acne inflammation. Assist in healing scars, recover the wound, insect bite, foot odor, stuffed nose and muscle aches.

Product Dimensions: 4 (W) X 19 (L) X 10 (H) cm.

Weight: 114 g


SKU : MH059

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