Madame Heng Green tea soap & Nature Powder Sang Sung set


Item Overview

Item Type : Oil Control set

Set detail :

- Green tea soap 120 g.

Quantity: 2 pcs

Weight: 2 x 120 g. = 240 g

- Nature Powder Sang Sung 60 g.

Quantity: 1 pcs

Weight: 1 x 60 g. = 60 g


Pack size: 18 (L) x 7 (W) x 24 (H) cm.

Quantity: Sang Rung power 1 pcs. + Green tea soap 2 pcs.



- Green tea soap 120 g. = Reduce excess sebum, which is the cause of acne. Help the skin strong, soft to the touch, and relax.

- Nature Powder Sang Sung 60 g. = Used for makeup, as foundation powderr, to absorb the oiliness that causes pimples and the rash on the skin.

Product Dimensions: 7 (W) X 18 (L) X 24 (H) cm.

Weight: 300 g


SKU : MH021

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